Mini-Claw Foot Tub Planter!

So while looking around on YouTube I saw a lady turn one of these Fleurs and Jardin or Flowers and Garden planters into a mini-bath tub and I instantly fell in love with it and had after my spring living room centerpiece another Fleurs and Jardin planter, my Dollar Tree only held the French version at first and got Flowers and Garden only after I had made my items but its ok. So basically I spray painted my planter using Rust-oleum Gloss White Spray Paint and it looked really nice and like a bath tub when done. One side did get a little messed up during painting but it added to the aged look and also I used that side as the back so not too many will see it.

The lady I watched bought a Chess board from Dollar Tree and used the pawns to make the feet of the tub but when I went to two different Dollar Trees in the area I couldn’t find a chess board only checkers and other games so I decided to improvise with these gold metals but it wasn’t quite right. So to my happy surprise I went to Dollar Tree a few days later and found a chess board and was ecstatic. After the tub was spray painted I flipped it over and positioned the feet as I liked and then hot glued them down, the lady used E6000 for hers but I decided to use hot glue and only had to re-glue two different times right at the beginning but not since them which is good. It looks so adorable and like a mini-claw foot tub!

Next I took two different brushes because the lady on YouTube mentioned foam brushes would be easier and it was, I took the foam brush and went around the top and bottom rims with black acrylic paint. I then took a small brush and went over with black acrylic paint the letters for Fleurs and Jardin. To make hers look like an aged bathtub she put a few marks with her brush with black acrylic paint on the white sides so I followed suit but also while painting the rims I got some paint on the sides of the tub and I think it added to the aged look in accident lol.

Now comes the tricky part for me. The lady used Christmas candy tubes but by time I saw it Christmas was well over but she mentioned PVC pipes so I went to Lowes and bought a PVC pipe and little extensions to make it look like a faucet but once I got home the PVC pipe was too long so I spent hours trying find out how to cut PVC pipe but I didn’t have the tools for it so I went back to Dollar Tree and I found Easter candy tubes and bought it and so instead of the PVC pipe I spray painted and used the Easter candy tube. So I spray painted the Easter candy plastic tube and the PVC attachments with Rust-oleum Spray Paint in Gloss Black and once together you can’t tell the difference between it and the PVC pipe except I think the easter candy plastic tube was easier to work with and lighter. Once dry I hot glued the Easter candy plastic tube with the PVC extensions to the planter.

Now to look like a tub it needed faucet handles and I didn’t have what the lady used so when at Lowes looking for the PVC I picked up these bathroom joint like things I can't for the life of me remember what they were called but I thought they’d work as faucet handles so I bought them and spray painted them black as well and then hot glued them to the rim and inner area of the rim.

The inside I wanted my lavender picks so I put some wet foam and moss inside the planter and then added my fake lavender but in some pictures you can see the lavender over took the faucet and was massively bushy so I pushed the lavender down more and made it lower in the planter and so it would look nicer and you can see the whole faucet and such. I was told maybe smaller flowers would look nicer but I decided to keep the lavender.

The lady that made it on YouTube used hers inside but I put mine on our back porch and I think it looks adorable out there. It has only three times so far been blown over in high winds but other than that has been ok. If you use it outside maybe sand or stones in the bottom might weigh it down better but bear in mind depending on how you glued the legs on it might be too much weight for the legs.

This was so adorable and I am so happy with this piece and no matter what you use it for whether a planter or in the house maybe in a bathroom this is a piece so versatile and can be done and decorated in so many different ways.

Here is the Jay Munee DIY Original that I based mine off of:

  • Fleurs and Jardin Tin Planter- $1 at Dollar Tree
  • Rust-oleum Spray Paint in Gloss White- $3.96 at Wal-Mart
  • Rust-oleum Spray Paint in Gloss Black- $3.96 at Wal-Mart
  • Black Acrylic Paint- $0.50 at Wal-Mart
  • Candy Tube- $1 at Dollar Tree
  • PVC Attachments- $6 at Lowe’s
  • Chess Board- $1 at Dollar Tree
  • Bathroom Joint- $2 at Lowe’s
  • Lavender- $0.97 a bouquet at Wal-Mart


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